JA Thomas Feedback Needed

Please send any thought or opinions on the JA Thomas product. For instance, do they concern themselves at all with SOI/ROM or is it still reimbursement focused? Thanks, Donna


  • Donna,

    I'd suggest you provide a direct email as an alternate option for folks to provide feedback.

    We've not used JATA for several years, so I can not provide recent direct experience.
    It is my understanding from conversations with other organizations that use JATA they don't have SOI/ROM tools built into their software.

    With their recent acquisition by Nuance (it's been a year now), I don't know what is available through that merger as far as Nuance products.


    Donald A. Butler, RN, BSN
    Manager, Clinical Documentation Advisor Program
    Vidant Health, Greenville NC
    DButler@vidanthealth.com ( mailto:mDButler@vidanthealth.com )
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