Clinical significance of thrombocytopenia

Having difficulties with coding accepting CDI query for clinical significance of low platelets. Patient with ETOH cirrhosis, ETOH dependence admitted for tx of ascites. On the query CDI documents PLT of 93, 115, 120. Risk factors:cirrhosis, ETOH dependence, treatment: laboratory monitoring. 
( ) thrombocytopenia 
() insignificant laboratory finding
( ) other
() unable to determine. 
 Physician responded -thrombocytopenia

coding is citing a guideline that states it is ok to ask the question of clinical significance if other diagnostic studies, treatments were done for condition. Since there was only monitoring of labs through standard CBCs, it is not enough to warrant a query...?

Please share any advice you may have on the subject? Do you query for thrombocytopenia at your facility when there is significant decrease in plt, risk factors but only laboratory monitoring done?


  • Monitoring is treatment. I wonder if meeting secondary dx in regards to extending the LOS may be the perspective in the rationale your coding team provides.....
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