
I am a new CDI Leader, and my organization is evaluating the impact of our program. We are an Academic Medical Center and Level 1 Trauma Center. Our strategic goals have shifted to be more quality-focused, emphasizing Continued Stay reviews. However, we also aim to expand our review coverage throughout the organization.

While reading the ACDIS White Paper on Productivity, I understand there is no "one size fits all" approach to CDI Program Metrics and Productivity Standards. Nevertheless, I am unsure where to start when comparing our metrics to those of other organizations. Would anyone be willing to share their CDI metrics for Initial, Continued Stay, and Retrospective reviews, as well as team query benchmarks and review coverage expectations?


  • Hi - I am a newer leader as well and have be pondering about changing up our productivity metric, but unsure about the right way to approach.

    Currently are model is as follows as the minimum daily expectation. We do have many who out perform this number regularly.

    Initial - 10/day

    Concurrent & Retro - 6/day

    Query Rate Target - 35-40%

    Coverage Rate Goal - 70%

    Good Luck.

    Janae Schumacher

  • Janae are your CDIs hourly or exempt? Also, do you review for both reimbursement and quality?

  • Hi - Our CDI are exempt employees. We review mainly at this time for reimbursement, but we are moving into the quality reviews.

    I have 2 reviewers that review all mortalities; 2 reviewers that help in the DRG downgrade (denial space) along with the stated productivity in my previous post. All other reviewers do standard reviews and pay attention to Elixhauser scores and other PSI and HACs that show up on accounts.

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