New Phoenix Sepsis Score Criteria

Hi I am interested in others opinion and insight on the how you are handling the new Phoenix Sepsis Criteria.

In reviewing and sharing the new Phoenix Sepsis Score with our providers they mentioned that our providers do early sepsis protocol and prevention. Do any of your hospitals have this protocol in place?

Our questions are:

  1. Are other facilities doing early sepsis prevention?
  2. If the patient has no sepsis criteria and providers are starting preventative treatment, but the providers are documenting sepsis are your coders coding the account as sepsis without the clinical criteria being met? 

We are struggling with this and potentially going to meet with compliance and come up with an internal guideline since the patient actually has more of impending sepsis and not a true sepsis. Please let me know if you have similar situation and potentially have an internal consistency that you would be willing to share. Thank you!



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