Including CDI calculated indicators on the query (Ex: hourly UOP, P/F ratio, FeNa, etc.)
Good morning,
I was hoping to get some feedback on if other facilities include CDI calculated clinical indicators on their queries.
For example, with AKI queries, one of the KDIGO criteria is Urine volume < 0.5 mL/kg/hr for 6 or more hours. Based on the urine output and the patient's weight that is documented on the flowsheets, the CDI team can calculate the UOP to determine if they meet. This calculation is not determined by the MD, but is based on the information documented in the record.
Same for P/F ratio and FeNa.
It is also important to note that these indicators would not be bolded or highlighted in any way and would be included with other pertinent information, as to avoid being leading.
Thanks in advance!
Hello, Jess!
We do not include anything in a query that we had to "do math" to come up with.
Interested in what others have to say on this subject!
HI Jess,
so we have moved to including, along with clinical criteria, the P/F ratio and the KDIGO calculation as such:
Cr levels:
1/26 2.4
1/26 2.2
1/29 1.8
CDS calculated KDIGO score 1.8*1.5=2.7
No creatinine baseline noted in the record.
PF ratio
Pt presented with 86% O2 sat on room air.
CDS calculated PF ratio: 86% on RA 52/.21=247
Hope this helps,
Thanks so much Tracy and Coral! This is very helpful!