Good Documentation Appreciation

Does anyone have any catchy phrases or slogans they use to give to the doctors or NP to show appreciation for good documentation?



  • This morning I put a yellow sticky on a chart that said, "Great documentation of CHF!" but I am going to order blue star stickies in the future and place it on the chart when I have an audience for better effect.
    I would like them to say, "CDI working for you!"

    Martha Stanley, RN, MSN, CCDS
    San Juan Regional Medical Center
  • edited May 2016
    I found yellow star post its and use them on individual charts. Works really well getting problem docs to be more compliant.

    Tracy M Peyton RN, CCDS
    Bradford Regional Medical Center
    Upper Allegany Health Systems
    116 Interstate Parkway
    Bradford, PA 16701
  • edited May 2016
    Great ideas ladies! I was thinking of ordering preprinted 3x5 cards with "Dear Dr ____, Thank you for supporting excellence in documentation!" or something to that effect. I figured if we punched a hole in one corner, we could put it on the chart under the progress notes for all to see.
    If anyone has a suggestion for a better "saying", I'd love to hear it!

    Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
    Providence Health Center
    Case Management Dept
  • edited May 2016
    We use a thank you note in the progress notes which is our "CDI color"
    (teal blue) says:

    Thank you for a job well done!
    A concurrent review of this chart provided needed information for
    accurate coding. Quality documentation reflects quality care and is
    essential to insure the accuracy of data used for quality indicators,
    provider profiling, healthcare planning, research, regulatory
    compliance, and reimbursement.

    We usually write a reason: specified acute, specified poa

    Vanessa Falkoff RN
    Clinical Documentation Coordinator
    office 702-383-7322
    cell 702-204-0054
  • Any suggestions for those of us living in the "EHR world" - specifically EPIC?
  • This is our issue too (although we use Cerner). When we went completely electronic several months ago, we lost the ability to provide this type of feedback. Anyone have any ideas when you no longer have a paper chart to point out "good work" on?


    Katy Good, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS
    Clinical Documentation Program Coordinator
    AHIMA Approved ICD-10CM/PCS Trainer
    Flagstaff Medical Center
    Cell: 928.814.9404
  • edited May 2016
    I place a letter in the chart with the physician's name. It is a little more formal in context, but the physicians seem to really appreciate it and have requested that the letters are forwarded to credentialing and placed in their files. I have had to use white out on some because I have received "we love you" or hearts and smiley faces as responses. Never had that written on a query...
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