What type of criteria are you using for quality reviews of CDI staff?

Good morning,
I am working on improving the standards I am currently using to assess the quality of a review.
Right now my assessment included the following:
Is the PDX correct? Is the DRG correct? Were all query opportunities identified and queried? Was the query compliant and appropriate for the case? Did the CDI note include pertinent information regarding the documentation. Does the CDI note include information such as why a query opportunity was not queried, What the CDIS is looking for in further reviews. Date and time of intubation. Was there Lines, Draines or Airways POA.
I would like to find a way to assess critical thinking skills. There are other parts of the assessment that are related to the use of the review program, such as were all areas of the review form completed as well. We work on a point system and a percentage is assigned.
Does anyone have any other ideas, or an example of what standard are being used at other hospitals for Quality Reviews?
Thank you,
Lori Harbison LPN, CCDS
Quality and Education Coordinator CDI
Cleveland Clinic


  • Lori -- did you see the recent thread "[cdi_talk] CDI peer review audit tool" ?
    Probably worth reviewing if you missed it.

    I shared the attached in the course of that conversation.

    Trying to measure or assess critical thinking is tough. item #4 probably comes close. Additionally, the overall synthesis of the query question, supporting information, proposed options all shed light upon the individual's critical thinking skills.

  • Don,
    No I did not see that thread. I am new here and didn't have the time when I asked the question to go through all of the subjects. I apologize for that. Thank you for including your audit too, it is appreciated.
    Have a great afternoon.
  • Lori,
    No apology necessary. I try not to come across assuming either way that some one had read a previous thread -- attempt to take the middle "you may well have seen...but if not, might be worth looking at" . There are a lot of material in the CDI Talk archives, and it can be very difficult to search and find what might be helpful, doubly true when one hasn't been around a while!

    I hope you find the tool useful. Any suggestions or comments are definitely appreicated!

    Welcome to CDI Talk!!
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