We are once again meeting with EPIC to discuss CDI options. Currently we are using the inbasket, which is cumbersome and requiring re-quering different physicians for same documentation deficiencies. Are any of you using shared notes or other area for your CDI queries with measureable success? If so, please share your
process with me. I thank you in advance.

Clinical Documentation Specialist
University Health Care
Augusta, GA


  • edited May 2016
    We have tried using sticky notes which work with the physicians who have been using EPIC in the outpatient setting. Most other attendings don't know they are there. The problem is that most do not open to the patient summary which is where they are posted. So they don't see them. We have educated our hospitalist service re: sticky notes and they are now responding to them. But overall it remains spotty. We do use the coding query in the coding information work que which is for retrospective queries for the coders. We find it beneficial to use them if we have not gotten a response within 48 hrs of posting the sticky note. This goes right into the physicians deficiency box (I believe) and they have to respond. The in basket is problematic as they tend to answer you there without ammending the progress note. We have had the response scanned in to the EMR but this becomes cumbersome and not an efficient process.

    Diane M Clement RN MS CCDS
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