No need for CDI?
Hi all!
My director recently was tasked with being responsible for CDI at a small sister hospital of ours. HIM has been resistant to CDI in the past and seem to think that the coding dept is just as effective at clarifying documentation as a (potential) CDI program. I am wondering how some of the more experienced coders on here (and all others) would respond to this assertion.
Katy Good, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS
Clinical Documentation Program Coordinator
AHIMA Approved ICD-10CM/PCS Trainer
Flagstaff Medical Center
Cell: 928.814.9404
My director recently was tasked with being responsible for CDI at a small sister hospital of ours. HIM has been resistant to CDI in the past and seem to think that the coding dept is just as effective at clarifying documentation as a (potential) CDI program. I am wondering how some of the more experienced coders on here (and all others) would respond to this assertion.
Katy Good, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS
Clinical Documentation Program Coordinator
AHIMA Approved ICD-10CM/PCS Trainer
Flagstaff Medical Center
Cell: 928.814.9404
Okay. I'll get off my soap box.
Donna Kent, RN, BSN,
Concurrent CDI, when conducted by someone with the correct training and background (proven by achievement of CCDS?) is obviously more effective than a retrospective review.
I would only state, that apparently 'some' coders in some states (?) (non-credentialed) do not have an extensive clinical background?
At least, that is what is stated on the blog. Apparently, some sites must use coders that do not have a BS degree with formal clinical training)? The situation is far different in California as coders lacking credentials and clinical education are few?
I do not want to start ANOTHER chain about nursing V coding - but, do bear in mind that, just as with LVN, RN and RN with BS - the term 'coder' does not indicated the educational level of the 'coder', to include clinical courses.
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
CDI and concurrent chart reviews also can positively affect the billing cycle. if the chart goes to the coder with all queries asked and answered prior to discharge- the chart is coded - dropped and billed in a more timely manner. We have had a huge impact on the DNFB (discharged not final billed). Just today, I had a physician ask me to review his discharge summary because he knew the patient was going to be "high dollar" (long stay, high volume of tests and services) his thought was "tell me if anyting needs to be clarified now... so the coder can get the bill dropped."
Lastly, as a nurse I know I have been able to impact severity of illness and CMI greatly. The translator and on the spot education is priceless to the physcians.
Laurie L. Prescott RN, MSN, CCDS
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Manager, Regional Clinical Documentation & Coding Integrity
633 Folsom St., 7th Floor, Office 7-044
San Francisco, CA 94107
Cell: 415.637.9002
Fax: 415.600.1325
Ofc: 415.600.3739
Laurie L. Prescott RN, MSN, CCDS
Linda Haynes, RHIT, CCDS | Manager, Clinical Documentation Improvement | Legacy Health
1919 NW Lovejoy | Portland, Oregon 97209 | 503-415-5609 |
Laurie L Prescott RN, MSN, CCDS
Donna Kent, RN, BSN, CCDS
Manager, Clinical Documentation Integrity Program
Clinical Quality and Accreditation
Torrance Memorial Medical Center
ph.:310 784-6884 fax:310 784-6899
Tracy M Peyton RN, CCDS
Bradford Regional Medical Center
Upper Allegany Health Systems
116 Interstate Parkway
Bradford, PA 16701
Shands @ UF
I was tasked with making a PowerPoint for our Sr. Management team and wanted ONE slide included as to why CDI is needed on top of a HIM query process.
I am still working on the presentation but I attached what I have so far for that particular slide.
Katy Good, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS
Clinical Documentation Program Coordinator
AHIMA Approved ICD-10CM/PCS Trainer
Flagstaff Medical Center
Cell: 928.814.9404
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
CDI Specialist Team Leader
Providence Health Center
Another point that may be helpful is the fact that our coders are off-site and we are here in the hospital. Many times just a conversation with the MD can lead to a more acceptable query response.
Just some thoughts. Good Luck
Lisa Romanello,RN,BSN,FNS,CCDS
Clinical Documenatation Improvement Specialist
CJW Medical Center
Chippenham Campus
Michelle Jones, RN, BSN
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Vidant Roanoke Chowan Hospital
It's been funny to watch the consulting firm, change and begin teaching what I was telling them - you need more than an albumin for malnutrition, you need more than just 2 SIRS criteria for sepsis, etc. Basically saying the same things I had been arguing with them about for the past 5 years.
It has certainly been an enlightening journey!
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
CDI Specialist Team Leader
Providence Health Center
I took no offense at all from your comments and thank you, and everyone, for offering their perspectives on the issue. It is complicated, and probably a truly iformed conversation can't be had via a chat on-line.
I think all agree concurrent CDI chart reviews are Best Practice. However, the reality, I think, is that retrosepctive queries are also neccessary for a number of legitmate reasons. I do not believe there is an inherent compliance risk in a retrospecitve reivew that is performed compliantly. Work flows and CDI staffing probably means that facilities should have the option of retrospective reviews.
Paul Evans,RHIA, CCDS
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Manager, Regional Clinical Documentation & Coding Integrity
633 Folsom St., 7th Floor, Office 7-044
San Francisco, CA 94107
Cell: 415.637.9002
Fax: 415.600.1325
Ofc: 415.600.3739
Pamela Parris,RN
Clinical Documentation Integrity
Charleston, South Carolina 29425
Pager: 12295
(843) 792-3442
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Manager, Regional Clinical Documentation & Coding Integrity
633 Folsom St., 7th Floor, Office 7-044
San Francisco, CA 94107
Cell: 415.637.9002
Fax: 415.600.1325
Ofc: 415.600.3739
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Manager, Regional Clinical Documentation & Coding Integrity
633 Folsom St., 7th Floor, Office 7-044
San Francisco, CA 94107
Cell: 415.637.9002
Fax: 415.600.1325
Ofc: 415.600.3739
I had a discussion with one of our intensivists the other day, who argued that he didn't need to write out the word systolic when he addressed the Echo in his note and referenced that the EF was 20%. He told me that somebody should state that an EF of 30 or 40% should automatically be considered systolic dysfx, then he walked away in a huff. He came back a few minutes later and began griping some more so I asked him WHICH doctor/specialty should determine if it was 30% or 40%. He stomped away and then came back again and said, just make it 30. I asked him what I should do if he consulted cardiology on one of his patients who had an EF of 40 and the cardiologist called it systolic. He stomped away again and came back about 20 minutes later, started to say something and walked off muttering to himself. He finally came back and added systolic. Told me the whole coding thing was stupid and left. I made him a valentine - see attached:). He laughed and told me, he'd try to remember to be specific.
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
CDI Specialist Team Leader
Providence Health Center
Juli Bovard RN CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
Rapid City Regional Hospital
719-4390 (work)
786-2677 (cell)
"No Limit to Better......"
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."- Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens
This mist become part of the Forms & Tools Library!!!
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
CDI Specialist Team Leader
Providence Health Center