Acute expected post-op blood loss anemia

Our organization is seeing 285.1 Acute post hemorrhagic anemia being counted as a complication by outside agencies doing reviews. Our providers have been documenting: acute expected post-operative blood loss anemia. Coding these anemias has caused the Orthopedics Department's complications to look quite high. We are wondering how other organizations are handling this. Thanks for any feedback!


  • I will be away from the office and return on 5/24.
  • edited May 2016
    What type of situation do you use the 285.1 code. How are you treating this.
    Are they transfusing the pt or just monitoring labs?
    Judy Valitutto RN BSN
    Clinical Documentation Coodinator
    Staten Island University Hospital
    Staten Island,New York 10304
  • edited May 2016

    Basically, after a total hip or total knee, the pt’s HCT drops and the physicians document “acute expected blood loss anemia”. In the majority of the cases the pt does receive a transfusion or iron. Hope that helps, any ideas on handling this would be great!
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