ICD 10 - who puts in the diagnosis code?
As we go forth with preparing for ICD 10 I am wondering (for those of you that use an electronic system) who puts in the ICD code in the document? Is it only the coders and the physician just documents the diagnosis? Or does the physician pick the code from a list of codes he/she wants and enters it into the system.
From: CDI Talk [mailto:cdi_talk@hcprotalk.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:23 PM
To: Stukenberg, Colleen M.
Subject: Re: [cdi_talk] ICD 10 - who puts in the diagnosis code?
We (CDI) enters the Diagnosis code.
From: CDI Talk [mailto:cdi_talk@hcprotalk.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 1:39 PM
To: Stukenberg, Colleen M.
Subject: Re: [cdi_talk] ICD 10 - who puts in the diagnosis code?
You know I didn't look twice at I-10! We do not have that capability - yet. But if our procedure continues as usual - then yes - we will be entering the I-10 code.
Our software does have capability it duel code - if we up-grade. My thought is that a few mos. Before 10/14 we will dual code - but probably we will hit the ground running - well jogging slowly...