CDI Assignments
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for feedback on how everyone does CDI patient assignments (by unit, physician, service line etc) and would love feedback. In particular, I would like to know if anyone is doing "random".
Susan Fantin, RN, BSN, MSA, CCDS, CDIP
Senior Director, Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist, Performance Technologies
The Advisory Board Company
I am looking for feedback on how everyone does CDI patient assignments (by unit, physician, service line etc) and would love feedback. In particular, I would like to know if anyone is doing "random".
Susan Fantin, RN, BSN, MSA, CCDS, CDIP
Senior Director, Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist, Performance Technologies
The Advisory Board Company
We are currently doing random assignments and have been for the last year. Prior to that , we were unit based (which followed closely to Service Line). We found that the CDS would become proficient in those types of reviews, but when needed to cross cover, would experience challenges. We then made the decision to change our assignment process. It took some education and discussion, but after a year I find that the team in general is well versed in all Service lines (except NICU). We have continued to assign NICU to one CDS.
Another benefit was that it helped the team better prepare for the CCDS exam. The new process was challenging to some of the staff at first, but with patience and support, they have all grown in their CDI/Coding knowledge. It definitely removes any staffing coverage issues.
As we approach ICD10 and physician education, we are in discussion to move to Service Line assignments for the high risk areas such as Orthopedics, Surgery, etc.. I don't know how that will look yet, still in the planning stages.
Please feel free to contact me provately with any further questions.
Linda Rhodes RN, BSN, CCDS
Manager Clinical Documentation Improvement
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
Wilmington, North Carolina
Office # 910-815-5544
Cell " 910-777-8344
e-mail :
Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
CDI Specialist
We are a 350 bed hospital. Primarily medicare in Michigan. Our
assignments are based on a time survey of admits and discharges. Our
assignments are based on the above, units patients transfer to and from.
For example Neuro ICU and Neuro tele are placed together. ICU patients,
except neuro are put together with step down unit. Cardiology is paired
with cancer. Currently we rotate every 3 months to the various
assignments on a schedule. We cover admissions when a CDS is off by
dividing them among the CDS. When the CDS comes back, we have the option
of "giving back" patients or keeping them.
In addition, the CDS keeps their patients wherever the patient
transfers. This can be the challenging part.
Hope this helps.
Mary A. Hosler RN, MSN CDS
Mary A Hosler, RN, MSN CDS
Alumnus CCRN
McLaren Bay Region
1900 Columbus Ave.
Bay City, Michigan 48708
(989) 891-8072
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
difference between lightning and the lightning bug."- Samuel "Mark
Twain" Clemens
We are in a five hospital system and are still developing the CD Program team at all sites. Our site is ~170 beds and is a teaching/research facility. Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Patricia Stein, RN, MAOL, CNOR
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Health Information SWB-2
Scripps Green Hospital
(office) 858-554-4709
(cell) 760-274-7397