Query solutions/Help with use of Meditech with CPOE

Looking for some help, our facility is a Meditech facility and we just started with the CPOE, and we still have some parts of the hard chart. Our issue is that some of our physicians no longer go to the hard chart. Trying to look for tips on making sure our queries are seen. Our physicians are not open to using the message tab as of now for communication. Any suggestions? Our CDI program is 3M.

Tiffany Andras LPN

Clinical Documentation Improvement
Thibodaux Regional Medical Center
602 North Acadia Road
Thibodaux,La. 70301
985-449-4601 Fax


  • edited May 2016

    We too have Meditech and went live with CPOE in May. We have run into the exact same issue. Physicians are not always looking at the hard chart anymore. However, our physicians were very receptive to our sending a message to their beeper letting them know 1)Last name of patient 2)Room number and 3)"Concurrent query is placed on chart".
    Is your CDI staff active up on the floor? It might be that you could reach out to the physician with a verbal prompt that you have placed a query on the chart. Another opportunity might be to involve your charge nurses or ward secretaries to help remind physicians of concurrent queries.

    Dorie Douthit RHIT,CCS

  • edited May 2016
    We are up on the floors, and I like the verbal, just concerned they will forget by the time the get to the chart. Our physicians don't use beepers, so my thought was a text, but then concern comes into play with HIPPA, how much can we send, room number and you have a query is that even too much. The charge nurse and ward secretaries are a good idea.


    Tiffany Andras LPN

    Clinical Documentation Improvement
    Thibodaux Regional Medical Center
    602 North Acadia Road
    Thibodaux,La. 70301
    985-449-4601 Fax

  • Tiffany

    Same issue! We are hybrid and that is really an impediment because the biggest bulk of our physicians (Hospitalists), are using PDOC and unless there is a consult, they never look in the chart (queries are paper). They wouldn't agree to being paged/beeped, so we place a special color folder in their "box" in the Hospitalist office telling them acct #, room # and that they have a query. It seems archaic I know, but it was all we could come up with, and still have any buy-in. It still is an ongoing issue with some providers but our response rate has improved with that process! I will say we actually had a meeting today and the provider response rates are going to be directly tied to bonus incentives. If they don't have 90% response-no bonus! We are gaining recognition as to the importance for quality, revenue etc for having a query left unanswered.

    We are currently trialing electronic queries in Meditech and so far it is a GREAT success. We increased our coverage from not having to hunt down charts alone!

    Good luck!

    Juli Bovard RN CCDS
    Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
    Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
    Rapid City Regional Hospital
    719-4390 (work)
    786-2677 (cell)
    "No Limit to Better......"

    "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."- Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens

  • edited May 2016

    What version of Meditech are you using? How difficult was it to build your queries into Meditech?

    Dorie Douthit RHIT,CCS

  • Dorie
    Sent you an email so as not to clog up the blog!


  • Juli,

    Will you also please send me some information regarding the Meditech/CPOE information? We will be implementing CPOE in a couple of months. We just moved to Meditech 5.66.

    Vickie Leadbetter

    Vickie Leadbetter, CDI Coordinator

    Citizens Medical Center

    2701 Hospital Drive

    Victoria, Texas 77901

    361-572-5103 x5307

  • edited May 2016
    We call or page them.

    Sharon Cole, RN, CCDS
    CDI Specialist

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