information request about second level reviews
This is something we have not routinely done for ourselves. HI has an
auditor who comes annually and that's the only audit we have done. I've
suggested we might want to start a second level review process. Are any
of you willing to share a P & P for second level review, or at least a
description of your rationale and process? Conversely, if you don't do
them or have stopped or decreased the frequency with which you do them,
I'd be interested in that information as well.
Thanks to all.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Clinical Quality Management would like your feedback on our ability to
meet your needs. Please complete a satisfaction survey for our
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Columbus Regional Hospital
Columbus, IN
(812) 376-5652
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
off the goal." Hannah More
auditor who comes annually and that's the only audit we have done. I've
suggested we might want to start a second level review process. Are any
of you willing to share a P & P for second level review, or at least a
description of your rationale and process? Conversely, if you don't do
them or have stopped or decreased the frequency with which you do them,
I'd be interested in that information as well.
Thanks to all.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Clinical Quality Management would like your feedback on our ability to
meet your needs. Please complete a satisfaction survey for our
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Columbus Regional Hospital
Columbus, IN
(812) 376-5652
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
off the goal." Hannah More