Hello All- We are taking our CCDS Exam soon and have been told that we can only bring the INGENIX DRG Expert. What do you do if you have JA Thomas as your consulting company and your hospital purchased the MS-DRG book from through them ? Thanks ahead of time for any advice.


  • edited May 2016
    You just have to buy it, or do without.
    I did buy it, but did not find it useful during the exam. It does not drill down to as specific of info as the book I normally use-The Ingenix regular ICD-9-CM reference.
    That said, if you have studied for the exam you will likely do fine without a reference if you want to save the $$!

    Janice Schoonhoven RN, MSN, CCDS
    Clinical Documentation Integrity
    Manager- PeaceHealth Oregon West Network
  • edited May 2016
    We have studied and have 15 years of experience btwn us. We just didn't want to assume we would be ok w/o the book. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  • Have you gone directly to ACDIS with that question? I think they can give
    you the concrete answer. Not sure who the appropriate contact would be???
  • edited May 2016
    The test may have changed from when I sat for it but I remember needing the book to answer 3-4 questions. I bought one from Amazon at a reduced price. It was slightly damaged - a crease across the back of the book - so it had been marked down 20% from the regular price.

    I know it is the required book for the test. So, I'm not sure what the situation will be like if you get there and do not have it for testing. I've never shown up for my exams w/o the required materials.


    Norma T. Brunson, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCDS
  • edited May 2016
    I borrowed one from our HIM dept to take with me.

    Tracy M Peyton RN, CCDS
    Bradford Regional Medical Center
    Upper Allegany Health Systems
    116 Interstate Parkway
    Bradford, PA 16701
  • edited May 2016
    Penny Richards at ACDIS was my go to when I had questions about the exam, she should be able to help answer your question.
  • edited May 2016
    Thank you both for the info, very helpful. I did contact Penny and she said INGENIX was the only approved DRG book.
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