Cerebral Salt Wasting Syndrome RE: Feedback please

If there is not a specific code for the syndrome, then the documented manifestations should be coded per coding guidelines. (See below.)
General coding guideline changes 10/01/2009

Coding Clinic, Fourth Quarter 2009 Page: 155 Effective with discharges: October 1, 2009
B. General Coding Guidelines
17. Syndromes
Follow the Alphabetic Index guidance when coding syndromes. In the absence of index guidance, assign codes for the documented manifestations of the syndrome.
If the physician has not identified the manifestations, then a query is probably called for. Manifestations/symptoms can include hyponatremia, hypotension, weight loss, urinary frequency, lethargy, agitation, headache, altered consciousness, seizures, and coma as well as others.
Hope this helps?

Sharon Salinas, CCS
Barlow Respiratory Hospital
2000 Stadium Way, Los Angeles CA 90026
Tel: 213-250-4200 ext 3336
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