removal/debridementl of allograft

Can anyone recommend what the codes would be for removing Allograft and debriding Allograft in a breast procedure?
I'm not confident that what I have is correct. Also, if we ultimately remove it, do we still code the debridement?
This is not my specialty area, but I've been asked for an opinion.


-At operation there was purulence within both breast capsules
behind the allograft, sealed off from the rest of the breast, and MediPort site
appeared normal and cultures were taken of all 3 sites. Expanders and
allografts were removed.

-the right breast incision was made and the
area of opening in the bottom of the breast was excised. Dissection continued
through breast tissue down to the allograft which appeared intact. The
allograft was open and purulent material was opened, cultured, and drained, and
then the allograft was debrided.

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