attention to GT

V 55.1 Attention to GT. Can anyone explain what all this code
incorporates? Does it include when medication is being applied around GT
site, or is it only for when G-tube itself is worked on (such as changed
Thanks (in advance).

Claudine Hutchinson RN (CDI)


  • edited April 2016
    I believe the V55.x codes can be used any time there is any treatment/care directed towards the g-tube or the g-tube site. If the medication being applied around the g-tube is to treat cellulitis or inflammation, then a g-tube complication would be appropriate along with the specific complication code. The V44.x codes excludes artificial openings that require attention or management.
    I use the V55.x codes when any type of care is performed and they have never been questioned.


    Sharon Salinas, CCS
    Barlow Respiratory Hospital
    2000 Stadium Way, Los Angeles CA 90026
    Tel: 213-250-4200 ext 3336

  • Thank you Sharon!

    Claudine Hutchinson RN (CDI)


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