benchmarking metric
Don, you had discussed working on something to use as a program
benchmark. I'm doing the same thing using Table 7A from the Final Rule.
Have you worked out anything more on your project? We're meeting this
afternoon to evaluate our reporting methodology, at which time I will
share an update on my work with our director.
Does anyone else have their own benchmark against which they measure
their program? I'd be very glad to hear what others are doing besides
contracting for a consultant group to provide reports. MEDPAR is
available to purchase, but becomes a yearly expense to be budgeted. I
think the information is available without cost, but needs to be
formatted to be useful. I think that can be done for less investment
than the MEDPAR purchase. If I am mistaken, will someone please
enlighten me? :-)
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell
benchmark. I'm doing the same thing using Table 7A from the Final Rule.
Have you worked out anything more on your project? We're meeting this
afternoon to evaluate our reporting methodology, at which time I will
share an update on my work with our director.
Does anyone else have their own benchmark against which they measure
their program? I'd be very glad to hear what others are doing besides
contracting for a consultant group to provide reports. MEDPAR is
available to purchase, but becomes a yearly expense to be budgeted. I
think the information is available without cost, but needs to be
formatted to be useful. I think that can be done for less investment
than the MEDPAR purchase. If I am mistaken, will someone please
enlighten me? :-)
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell
Mandi Robinson, BS, RN, CPC
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Trover Health System
"Excellent Care, Every Time"
Thanks for remembering.
I am also using 7A (great suggestion from you!) from the final rule along with a couple of other items (developed a base DRG data element along with an element to identify and group the DRGs by type (triplet w/o, w/ cc, w/mcc, pair w/o & w/ mcc, single, etc.). It is not yet complete, but getting there.
This is something I am thinking would be a good piece to present at the next conference -- either alone or as part of a larger bench marking presentation.
There was a blog or Journal article awhile back by Dr Gold that was discussing bench marking against the PEPPER report groupings as well as some of the other obvious groupings of DRGs (for example, ratio of sepsis vs UTI). Will be looking at that to further refine the basic tool once completed.
Donald A. Butler, RN, BSN
Manager, Clinical Documentation
PCMH, Greenville NC
Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy
Sir Winston Churchhill
discuss metrics today. I'm too brain dead to share right now, but I'll
get back to the group and share what we decide. I also owe the group my
impressions of CDIS software. We implemented on July 1 and I think by
the week after La bor Day I will have had enough time to make some
pertinent observations.
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell
The CDIS software is through META, correct? I keep googling and not coming up with anything.
Norma Brunson, RHIA, CCDS
program in 2002. We have 3M encoder in HI and the CDIS program includes
that as well as the references of Coding and Reimbursement.
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell
Its for recording useful info. On each patient and the CDS's input as to what is needed for the next review. Really assists in reconciliation and audits.
N.Brunson, RHIA, CCDS
Thank you,
Angie Mckee, RHIT, CCDS, CCS, CCS-P
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Performance Improvement
University Health Care System
Augusta, Ga. 30901
for FY2010 into an Excel spreadsheet. I then went through the MS-DRGs
and put lines between the clusters (MCC/CC/no MCC- CC, etc.). After
that, I totaled all of the clusters, and then divided each MS-DRG in
that cluster by total cases/cluster to determine what percentage of
cases within that cluster fell within each MS-DRG. For example:
MS-DRGs 193-194-195 constitute a cluster for simple pneumonia
Table 7A shows the total for each MS-DRG, so I added the three totals
together for 193-194-195 to find total cases/per simple pneumonia
I divided each MS-DRG total by the cluster total to see what percent of
the cases were in MS-DRG 190, % in MS-DRG 192, etc.
We are now pulling our own data for Medicare cases by MS-DRG and doing
the same-calculating the percent of our cases that fall into the MS-DRG
193 with MCC, etc.
We will compare ourselves to the national average as calculated from
Table 7A, and also use the PEPPER report to measure our performance and
identify any perceived under-or over-coding situations. Those will then
be audited on a regular basis to assess for any compliance issues.
I'm waiting to get the spreadsheet back from the data analyst with our
data, and then I'll see what we look like preliminarily. I'll keep all
of you posted.
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell
metrics and some don't. I'd like to have a more in depth analysis. We
don't contract for 3M reporting any longer, we do our own.
Sandy Beatty, RN, BSN, C-CDI
Columbus Regional Hospital
2400 E. 17th Str.
Columbus, IN 47201
(O) 812-376-5652 (M) 812-552-6997
"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through
argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can
General Colin Powell