What DRG/ code would you use for documented;
* SIRS due to infectious process of INFLUENZA A
* Influenza A
* Pneumonia
Juli Bovard RN CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
Rapid City Regional Hospital
755-8426 (work)
786-2677 (cell)
"No Limit to Better......"
* SIRS due to infectious process of INFLUENZA A
* Influenza A
* Pneumonia
Juli Bovard RN CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
Rapid City Regional Hospital
755-8426 (work)
786-2677 (cell)
"No Limit to Better......"
Having said all this, we have now been asked (tasked
I appreciate any help!
Juli Bovard RN CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
Rapid City Regional Hospital
755-8426 (work)
786-2677 (cell)
"No Limit to Better......"
In measuring our agree rates this way, our metrics were reflecting a large % of "agree" responses to queries -98-99%. To me this reflected that we were placing appropriate queries. To our CMO it raised an eyebrow. We have an established CDI program, and perhaps now are wondering if we should change the "physician response" to reflect more specificity in the areas of agree/disagree/no response and unable to determine. We have the ability to change and amend the definitions of the responses to be more reflective of what we want to measure. (which we aren't sure about at this point!
I would be VERY interested to know HOW other institutions measure or relegate responses from providers-relative to a query responses. Currently the suggestion was to change the response to disagree or agree in relationship to "the intent" of the query; meaning, query responded to as, physician agrees or disagrees with "intent of query". That really bothers me, as yes I have an intent for my query every time I place one; ie acute blood loss anemia-but if the provider then answered "pernicious anemia" why then should I give him a disagree (which is the suggestion). I am not an advanced practice RN, nor do I want to diagnose this patient for the provider. So, to me the fact he gave me the response of some kind of anemia, it was enough for an "agree". Another example is acute resp failure; if the patient has indicators for such, and I query for "acute resp failure" and instead get "acute resp distress", I would not "disagree" even though my intent was for "acute resp failure" . I am not the provider-and never laid eyes on this patient!
PLEASE let me know if you have other suggestions on how to measure and responses you give to disagree and agree for provider query responses!
Thank you in advance. Please feel free to email me directly to my email;
Juli Bovard RN CCDS
Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist
Clinical Effectiveness/Clinical Quality
Rapid City Regional Hospital
755-8426 (work)
786-2677 (cell)
"No Limit to Better......"