Angiography report; SP Angio Post Thrombo Therapy
Procedure; Venogram, mechanical thrombolysis

Clinical HX; DVT

Technique; ..the right popliteal fossa was prepped and draped..... through the existing popliteal sheath, contrast was injected and fluoroscopic imaging was obtained over the femoral and common femoral veins for venography. Contrast was then injection through multi-side hole catheter which had tip in right external iliac vein and flouro images were obtained of the pelvis for venography. The catheter was removed and Trerotola device was employed in the common femoral and femoral vein. Post proc venography was performed through popliteal sheath...

FINDINGS; minimal residual clot within the femoral and popliteal veins. The common femoral and external iliac veins are free of clot.

IMPRESSION; Successful venogram and mechanical thrombolysis. Resolution of clot previously in the external iliac and common femoral veins.... Some residual clot in femoral vein remains, however there is some oozing from pts back incision and so decision was made to stop thrombolysis.

THANK you!!!


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