RE: [MARKETING] temp trach

Hello Katy,
We see a fair amount of trachs here. The physicians have never been able to quantify for me the permanent vs. temporary. They share with me that when they initially place the trach it is thought to be temporary however based on the patient's progress or lack thereof, they will then make the determination for the length the trach will be necessary.

We have the same quandary here that you do. We do a lot of radical neck procedures for cancer as well as patient's who require a trach for obesity hypoventilation. The other thing the physicians tell me is that they always hope they can remove a trach at some point in time for the patient's quality of life however only time will tell.

So, this is clear as mud. I have spoken to many pulmonologists here as we have a very robust intensivist program with no complete and clear understanding.

Sorry, I could not provide any clearer rationale.

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