edited May 2016 in CDI Talk Archive
The temporary trach code (31.1) is the correct code unless the surgeon specifically states 'permanent' at the time of surgery since 31.1 is the code for unspecified tracheostomy. Our physicians say they do not know at the time of surgery whether or not it will be permanently necessary. The hope is that it can be removed at some point based on the patient's progress.

I find it interesting that trachs coded at your facility are generally coded to permanent. Do your surgeons state permanent in the op reports? If not, the temporary trach code should be used unless, of course, a query is generated for each trach and the response is "permanent".

Sharon Salinas, CCS
Health Information Management
Barlow Respiratory Hospital
2000 Stadium Way, Los Angeles CA 90026
Tel: 213-250-4200 ext 3336
FAX: 213-202-6490

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