VTE prophylaxsis
This isn't a CDI topic, but like everyone our department gets involved in all areas
I was wondering if anyone out there has a good resource for VTE prophylaxsis for core measures. What I am looking for is the guidelines of what meets for VTE prophylaxsis. I have looked and haven't been able to find it myself (at least that I can understand.)
Laura Bohls, RN CDS
Prairie Lakes Healthcare System

Laura Bohls, RN CDS
Prairie Lakes Healthcare System
I'm attaching a cheat sheet of guidelines that I produced at the beginning of the year. Some of the measures referenced have been retired or are considered voluntary for CMS, so only look at what your facility is tracking. VTE starts on page 5.
Linda Renee Brown, RN, MA, CCDS, CCS, CDIP
Director, Clinical Documentation
Tanner Health System
Thanks for sharing this excellent summation of a very detailed topic. Do you have anything similar for Readmissions?
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Manager, Regional Clinical Documentation & Coding Integrity
Sutter West Bay
633 Folsom St., 7th Floor, Office 7-044
San Francisco, CA 94107
Cell: 415.412.9421
Laura Bohls, RN
Clinical Documentation Specialist
I'm not responsible for core measures as of March so maybe things have changed but that's how I remember it.
Linda Renee Brown, RN, MA, CCDS, CCS, CDIP
Director, Clinical Documentation
Tanner Health System
Laura Bohls, RN
Clinical Documentation Specialist
One of the most interesting things as drgs and core measures are CMS. The rules are hard to pin down in coding and very specific with data dictionary and very specific drug tables. You are always able to query QNET when challenging situations occur.
Hope this helps.