Hospitalist groups and Query rate

1) How many of you have a Hospitalist group in your hospital and are they held accountable for answering queries.

2) Do you use your Query rate as a yearly goal to be met and what is that percentage set at?

3) What are your queries targeted for---$$, Severity, compliance


  • edited May 2016
    We do have several hospitalist groups. One of them is held to 100%
    compliance and gets called every morning at their team meeting with any

    We do have a yearly goal for the docspecs. It is 90% at this time. We
    are usually over that.

    Queries are targeted for mostly for $ and compliance mostly and soi on
    floors which have lower opportunity for $$ such as surgeries that only
    take an mcc.

  • Does your CDMP team set group goals for how many queries you will do? Our team query goal for this year is to query 20% of all cases seen.
  • edited May 2016
    Yes - ours is 15-20%

  • edited May 2016
    Not officially. Our queries at the moment are for reimbursement

    If we have time we will query for documentation only. Sometimes we may
    combine both into a Query - i.e. a Query for Ac Renal Failure with a tag
    of Heart Failure specification.

    Norma T. Brunson, RHIA
    Clinical Documentation Specialist
    Bay Medical Center

  • edited May 2016
    Our hospital has no CDI software. So to answer below.
    1. Yes we have hospitalist. If there is a pattern identified our phys. Champion is alerted and will be discussed.
    2. No
    3. clarifications are targeted for $$, MCC, CC, education, and consistency of the documentation. severity of illness could be done more effectively with software designed for CDI.

    Carla A. Heyn, RHIT, BS
    Clinical Documentation Specialist
    Elliot Hospital
    One Elliot Way
    Manchester, NH 03103

  • edited May 2016
    We do and yes, it is in the contract.
    Our current goal is 30-45% of cases reviewed.
    I query only for clarification, specificity and documentation completeness.


  • We do have hospitalists at our facility.
    The primary responsibility for answering queries at our facility lies on residents, fellows. PAs and NPs.
    Our attendings, hospitalists may answer a query, though.
    Our query rate runs at 20% or greater right now.
    We query for diagnosis clarification across the board. We don't usually query for diagnosis such as hypo/hyperkalemia, mg, phos. We may not always query for Anemia of chronic disease - it depends on the case.
    We were querying for everything and I mean everything. It was not a good use of our time. There are only 3 of us for a 500+ bed facility. We were spending so much time on queries and f/u to queries that we were not able to get our concurrent reviews done.

  • edited May 2016
    What is the size of your hospital? How many cases do you typically
    review each day?

    Adrienne Baker, RN
    Documentation Specialist
    212-9575 (pager)

  • edited May 2016
    There are about 120 beds I am responsible for (do not do OB/Peds).

    I average about 18 charts/day with 6-7 being new and 10-12 or so f/u's.
    Queries on average are 5-6/day.

    When the total queries are tallied it is number of queries and number of new cases reviewed.


  • edited May 2016
    We have a Hospitalist Group - yes they are held accountable for answering Queries (More so!)

    We do not have a Query Goal. As we review our admissions - if there is an opportunity, we Query. I average around 10 admissions a day - of the 10 I review I query around 6 of them. Some days I have no Queries! (rare) And some days I end up querying for specificity of symptoms - I work a Neuro-Ortho floor so I get many Syncope, Vertigo, AMS, Malaise and Fatigue (GRR!).

    Our Priority is to Query for $$. If I have time I will Query for compliance, severity/medical necessity. Sometimes I will combine two Queries - one may be for $$ the other for specificity or severity.

  • edited May 2016
    We have a hospitalist group, and they, like every service, are supposed
    to answer queries. Their documentation is the best in the hospital
    thanks to their billing person and classes they go to, so we rarely need
    to query them.

    We have several goals - physicians have a 75% response rate goal (rarely
    met by any), CDS' have a 75% agree rate, and we are always over -
    average about 90%. Our query rate is supposed to be about 40% - I only
    query if I feel it's necessary and try not to over-query.

    No specific target for our queries - reimbursement, severity and clarity
    are our goals.

    Stacey Forgensi, RN, CCRN, CCDS
    Clinical Documentation Specialist
    Erie County Medical Center
    Pager 642-1011

  • edited May 2016
    Our queries are targeted for best PDX, MCC, CC, POA and Severity. We have one hospitalist and he has a PA as an associate.

  • edited May 2016
    We never had software until last fall but we always queried for severity. Our program is 10 years old and we actually felt like we did a good job whether we had software or not.

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