I hope this question hasn't been asked of this group - I looked for an Archive of messages and did not find one. If it has - please forgive.
How many of you work weekends?
Do you work both Saturday and Sunday? Or one day? Which day?
Do you cover your co-workers admissions/queries or are you able to only focus on your assignment?
Do you find physicians receptive to CDI on the weekends or do you get "I'm just covering for his/her patients - ask him/her on Monday."
Do you feel working weekends is beneficial to your CDI program?
How many of you work weekends?
Do you work both Saturday and Sunday? Or one day? Which day?
Do you cover your co-workers admissions/queries or are you able to only focus on your assignment?
Do you find physicians receptive to CDI on the weekends or do you get "I'm just covering for his/her patients - ask him/her on Monday."
Do you feel working weekends is beneficial to your CDI program?
Thank you,
Susan Tiffany RN, CDS
Clinical Documentation Program
Robert Packer Hospital & Corning Hospital
570-882-6094 pager 465
Fax 570-882-6768
Robert S. Hodges, BSN, MSN, RN
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
Mail Code 136
1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw MI 48602
P: 989-497-2500 x13101
F: 989-321-4912
E: Robert.Hodges2@va.gov
"To climb a steep hill requires a slow pace at first." -William
N. Brunson, RHIA
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Bay Medical Center
the charts. That being said, the CDS's arrange their times to the units
they cover. ( they do have designated units, but rotate the units on a
bimonthly basis): For example:
Our cardiac floor that primarily has our intervention patients (caths,
stents, PPM, etc) has the patients rolling to the cath lab early, around
6am, the CDS for that unit arrives at 6am to be ready when the patients
start returning to the floor. As you all know, once a patient has been
cleared by the cath lab they get discharged quickly. She is able to cover
new cases and follow ups in between post procedure patients.
Our medical floors everything moves at slower rate, so the CDS covering
these floors arrives at 8am and is able to stay later in the day to make
sure the late discharges and procedures are captured.
We have a joint camp unit that is only open Mon - Friday but the surgical
days are primarily monday, wed, and thursday ...... so the CDS reviews
chart on Tuesday and Thursday's as this population is mostly healthy, and
in and out in a routine period of time, for these 2 days the CDS arrives
at 0600 to get to the floors and do a quick review of the patients post op
day one, and is able to triage follow ups based on that review.
and our ICUs are partnered with similar floor types ..... cardiac ICU with
the cardiac floor, etc
Hope this helps!
Thank you,
Susan Tiffany RN, CDS
Clinical Documentation Program
Robert Packer Hospital & Corning Hospital
570-882-6094 pager 465
Fax 570-882-6768
Thank you,
Susan Tiffany RN, CDS
Clinical Documentation Program
Robert Packer Hospital & Corning Hospital
570-882-6094 pager 465
Fax 570-882-6768
I like your coverage of the Cardiac Unit - our new CDS will begin
covering our Cardiac Unit in a month. Would love to hear how you (she)
handle the high turnover of Chest Pain admissions. Do you review every
CP? Or focus on Diagnosis?
N. Brunson, RHIA
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Bay Medical Center
always fun too. LOL
"To climb a steep hill requires a slow pace at first." -William
Michelle Clyne, RN, BS
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Good Samaritan Hospital
chart as complete as possible. We are fortunate to have administration who
realize that financial reimbursement is not the focus of our dept .....
reflecting the true severity of our patients is, everything else will
follow. So, My CDS has access to the cath lab census list along with the
floor census, the first thing she does is speak with the unit clerk who
has the schedule of patients who are going to procedures. Now we all know
the schedule is good intent, but not carved in stone. but this does give
her a guideline of who is leaving the floor when and allows her to
prioritize charts. As for as chest pain, it is still a battle we are
waging, DRG 313 is still on our top 10 list ..............they are getting
better ............
Thank you,
Susan Tiffany RN, CDS
Clinical Documentation Program
Robert Packer Hospital & Corning Hospital
570-882-6094 pager 465
Fax 570-882-6768
We focus on the core measures and any f/u's our coworkers feel important enough to send to us.
On Saturday, we usually have time to do our own assignment since most core measure patients not done are awaiting IP status. On Sunday, there are so many potential chf or ami's that most of our day is spent following these. We also look through the house for any long LOS' and what looks promising.
We have 70% of our patients under hospitalists so that makes it worthwhile for them to answer queries and they are usually cooperative..
A lot of the doc specs like the weekends since it gives them 2 weekdays off for appointments etc., it's quieter and you can be more productive since not as many ancillaries are trying to get chart, and it's easier trying to find somewhere to set up or use computer. Some of the doctors seem less stressed and easier to talk too. It was met with a lot of resistance by us at first but now it is a way of life.
measure accounts and report to our team huddle meetings. We also help
to identify ejection fractions and locate echo reports if performed
prior to current admission.
Theresa Hall, RHIT, ACPAR
Director of HIM/HIPAA Privacy Officer
East Georgia Regional Medical Center
P. O. Box 1048
1499 Fair Road
Statesboro, GA 30458
T: 912-486-1761
F: 912-871-2388
go to the bedside and interact with the patients and families where we do
Thank you,
Susan Tiffany RN, CDS
Clinical Documentation Program
Robert Packer Hospital & Corning Hospital
570-882-6094 pager 465
Fax 570-882-6768