I believe GCS can be coded based on the bottom entry of your screen shot. Below is what CC said in December 2015

/cc; 4th Qtr 2015

The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the Federal agency responsible for use of the ICD-10-CM in the United States, has issued interim advice as it pertains to excludes 1 notes and unrelated conditions. The following information can be found on the NCHS website: http://www.cdc.gov/ nchs/data/icd/Interim_Coding_advice_on_Excludes_1_note.pdf.

There are circumstances that have been identified where some conditions included in Excludes1 notes should be allowed to both be coded, and thus might be more appropriate for an Excludes2 note. However, due to the partial code freeze, no changes to Excludes notes or revisions to the official coding guidelines can be made until October 1, 2016. The new guidance concerning Excludes1 notes is intended to allow conditions to be reported together when appropriate even though they may currently be subject to an Excludes1 note.

Sharon Salinas, CCS
Health Information Management
Barlow Respiratory Hospital
2000 Stadium Way, Los Angeles CA 90026
Tel: 213-250-4200 ext 3336
FAX: 213-202-6490
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