Clinical Q&A Book

Hi ACDIS Forum friends! ACDIS is currently working on an FAQ book, a quick Q&A-style reference covering various clinical topics broken down into MDC. I am looking to you, our members, to see if you have any feedback, ideas, or requests for what this book should include. 

We are hoping to gather this feedback by the end of the day tomorrow (9/8). If you are able to provide a comment or two, please contact me at or comment in this thread. Thank you in advance!! 


  • The topics that we at our facility seem to go round and round on are these:
    Sepsis, acute respiratory failure, when to query for acute blood loss anemia, encephalopathy, when to query for complications (of current procedures or for cause/effect from prior procedures)--
    specifically recognizing clinical indicators so we know when to query. Principal diagnosis selection is something the newer CDI staff struggles with.
  • Heart failure in children is a topic that could use more resources to reference. All the current guidelines I can find apply to adults >18 years of age.

    Jackie Touch

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