Looking for input about coding Rhabdomyolysis. Patient admitted with Acute Rhabdomyolysis s/p fall. laying in floor for hours, son finds patient brings to ER. Admit Diagnosis of acute rhabdomyolysis.. How would you code this? as traumatic Rhadomyolysis or simple rhabdomyolysis (other) which codes to "tendonitis/myositis/bursitis". Being Rhabdo is caused usually by trauma, (muscle damage) I have used traumatic rhado if the patient has documentation of a fall. ???
Trauma has specific definition. When in doubt, query!. You are not to bring your personal/subjective/emotional feeling. Be logical and honest
Providers document, CDIs clarify, coders transform words to codes. Please be careful and ethical. FRAUD IS NOT GOOD
In any case, if not clearly stated by the MD for the underlying cause, query.