Does anyone have a query for urosepsis that they are willing to share? Is it too leading to just ask the physician to clarify if the dx he is using of urosepsis is intended to mean UTI or sepsis?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
"Urosepsis codes as a urinary tract infection. Are you able to clarify if you intend to document this as a urinary tract infection or as sepsis of a urinary source?"
I also throw in some words about mortality and morbidity reports and patients in the ICU or dying from UTI's to make my point.
Hope this helps.
Robert S. Hodges, BSN, MSN, RN
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
Mail Code 136
1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw MI 48602
P: 989-497-2500 x13101
F: 989-321-4912
E: Robert.Hodges2@va.gov
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens
Robert S. Hodges, BSN, MSN, RN
Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist
Aleda E. Lutz VAMC
Mail Code 136
1500 Weiss Street
Saginaw MI 48602
P: 989-497-2500 x13101
F: 989-321-4912
E: Robert.Hodges2@va.gov
"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug." Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens
- Simple UTI only
- Sepsis from a Urinary Tract Infection OR
- Other Diagnosis
It has been fairly sucessful in getting the documentation we need.
NBrunson, RHIA, CCDS
As part of our clinical documentation program I am following X. I see he was admitted with urosepsis. According to coding guidelines urosepsis must be coded as a simple UTI, regardless of S&S, lab findings and treatment. Would you please clarify in your notes if X has a possible/probable sepsis. If one of the following diagnosis is appropriate would you please document in your next progress note:
a) sepsis due to UTI
b) UTI with bacteremia
c) UTI
d) other
This clarification will assist us to accurately capture the severity of illness on admission. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Cindy Goewey RN, BSN
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Phone: 603-650-3891
Pager: 4741
Fax: 603-650-6787