We've been seeing NSTEMI Type 2 being documented more frequently. AS per coders it ends up being coded as a NSTEMI. It's truly not an MI. How do we code this more accurately?
According to clinical indicators, with elevated troponins, cardiac injury has occurred and coding this as a NSTEMI is correct. Ideally, physicians should indicate the reason for the Type 2 so interference does not occur with quality measures.
A couple of thoughts -- If documented as Type II AMI -- if I recall correctly -- AMI defaults to STEMI unspecified, so definitely want to clarify. Also, does the clinician feel this is a Type II NSTEMI? of if trop's mildly elevated, no cp, no ekg changes, etc. (universal definition of MI paper), does this represent a Troponin leak vs NSTEMI?
If documented as Type II AMI -- if I recall correctly -- AMI defaults to STEMI unspecified, so definitely want to clarify.
Also, does the clinician feel this is a Type II NSTEMI? of if trop's mildly elevated, no cp, no ekg changes, etc. (universal definition of MI paper), does this represent a Troponin leak vs NSTEMI?