Critical Illness Myopathy

One of our case managers was approached by an acute rehab representative and was told that the diagnosis of "critical illness myopathy" could help a patient qualify for acute rehab. Are any of you familiar with this diagnosis and should we query for it?


  • We use this as a reference in our work....they may be a more timely definition?  Anecdotally speaking, I have only seen this documented in the setting of Sepsis, and per the Official Coding Guidelines, this, as a consequence of Sepsis, permits the coding of Severe Sepsis.  (Differs from Sepsis-3 in that regard)

    • Critical Illness myopathy - Also known as acute quadriplegic myopathy. Develops in a patient in the intensive care setting and is often discovered when a patient is unable to be weaned off a ventilator. The cause of the diffuse weakness is prolonged daily use of either (often both) high-dose intravenous glucocorticoids (usually methylprednisolone) or nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. (Goldman: Cecil Medicine, 23rd ed.2007)

    Paul Evans, RHIA, CCDS

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