
I am just curious as to how many queries you have all together that you utilize. We keep forming official queries here and we are up to a total 14 (with more in the works)that we place on the chart and that become permenent part of the medical record. My feeling is that the goal it to get the phycisian to document in the medical record what is needed. We also have queries that we place on the chart which do not become a permenent part of the medical record. I like to utilize these more frequently because the physician needs actually write in the progress notes what is being ask for clarification and if he does not then that is an opportunity for us to educate the physician. I would like to throw this out there to see what everone else is doing. Thanks!


  • I see that some of you have a lot more queries identified for consistent use that we do. Is anyone willing to share the list of queries they have on hand. I am developing queries for our new Midas software and would love some info on what you already have in place. Thanks to everyone who is willing to share.

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