When to query for sepsis
So I have had several patients come in that met SIRS criteria and were sick (weakness and body aches) they end up having positive blood cultures but do not meet SOFA criteria. The patient has ESRD and is chronically on dialysis. Awaiting final culture results to determine the source of infection. No other organ failure. Do you query for sepsis if there is no other organ failure? What to do?
If one adheres to Sepsis -3, the organ failure or dysfunction should be:
1. Acute
2. Due to Sepsis and not some other condition
Paul Evans RHIA, CCDS
Jackie Touch, MSN, RN, CCM
CHOC Children's
Orange, CA
based off of the question, I was assuming the facility has adopted sep-3. If not, They would be able to query based on the SIRS criteria.
It is my opinion a site should use and establish clinical definitions that are universally accepted and vetted by our medical staff and apply that to all cases regardless of payer.
Good question!
P. Evans, RHIA