HCC RAF score calculator

I am looking for a RAF score calculator. I found one at hccuniversity.com but does not seem to be current and another at findacode.com that comes with an annual price tag of around $1000. Anyone else use one?


  • I want to follow this conversation. I am curious about a calculator as well.
  • How accurate do you need it to be?  Are you looking to use it for "directional analysis", or, are you looking for submission worthy accuracy?  

    Doing outpatient for almost 3 years now, using HCCs as anything more than a directional analysis is jumping the gun for CDI.  In that case, the Scan Healthplan (HCC University) Risk calculator accurate to 2016 is sufficient in most cases.  As HCCs are the aggregate of all claimed diagnoses throughout the year, and likely you do not have line of sight to all of those claims for the past two years, my suggestion would be to use Scan for your concurrent analysis and any data offered by your health plan for your retrospective analysis.

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