Coding Glasgow Come Scale diagnosis in Comfort, Palliative, and/or Hospice care
I would like to see what other facilities are doing about the coding of GCS DX codes for patients who are at end of life care (Comfort, Palliative, or Hospice).
Generally, consider a code for pertinent diagnoses that impact medical-decision making and mortality scores - however, would not advocate reporting of clinical processes AFTER drugs that are a part of the palliative care are on board. (I.E.. would not code respiratory consequences of Morphine when this is administered for comfort). We code mortality and morbidity, but not intended effect.
Not stating very eloquently, I am pressed for time.
P. Evans, RHIA, CCDS
I would not code these after palliative care has began as these are intended effects of comfort measures as Paul stated.
When considering whether to capture or not to capture GCS scores, let the circumstances guide you. For example, if a patient admits with a CVA and loss of consciousness, never regains consciousness, and the family opts for comfort care, I would capture the GCS scores up to the time the patient was converted to comfort care.
Beth Watts, BSN, RN, CCDS
Clinical Documentation Quality Improvement Auditor
St. Joseph Health, NorCal