Clinical Validation
Hi. Just want to bounce this off someone (lone Peds CDI here where I work).
Pt admitted with hyperammonemia and has Cirtrullinemia. VBG showed pH 7.44, pCO2 34, HCO3 23.2. Serum CO2 21, Cl- 106, Na+ 135. Pt is 3 yr old.
Physician called that anion gap METABOLIC ACIDOSIS. Any recommendations on best way to query to validate that diagnosis so I don't "disengage" this physician regarding CDI when I just got recently him to answer queries without having to "stalk" him?
Thanks in advance!
Thank you Paul. I sent a clarification last week with the help of Karen Bridgeman and the physician amended his documentation and said it was not "anion gap metabolic acidosis" as originally documented.
Appreciate the response!!!