Iodine CDI Software with Epic Clients

Hello everyone!

I am seeking feedback for any Epic clients that use the Iodine CDI software to share ideas with me of any lessons learned, tips we can share with interfacing and trouble shooting. My organization go live for this module is on 4/2/2018. 

If if you have any other feedback and not an Epic client I am happy to share ideas, please feel free to email me directly or post here as well. 

Thank you! 
Peter T. Gampon, RN 
Operations Manager


  • We are epic and Iodine. what type of questions do you have?
  • Hi justamandakay, 

    Thank you for your reply. We are anticipating a go-live 4/2 and working with the success team testing the workflows, and how it will look like in our most recent upgrade to Epic 2017. 

    Generally wanting to learn how the golive went for your facility, any common training questions that came up with your CDI staff, and just the experiences you've had with Iodine. 

    Perhaps, productivity metrics and interfacing.
    1. I'm focusing on Query turn around times (TAT) as one of the productivity metric and how that workflow impacts when a CDS completes a query. Is there a metric for TAT? 
    2. Auto assignment and average reviews (initial and subsequents) assigned to each CDI. Average experience of CDI is about 4 years. What is the average reviews assigned for your staff? 
    3. Interfacing of progress notes, imaging studies (MRI, CT, Echos, etc). There is some issues with this interface and it appears to us in the "documents" section... we might also request that the title of each author of a note be placed in the system so we can potentially filter notes faster, any suggestions how this works for you? or do your staff just use the "Opportunities" section to review notes/documents? 

    There are other enhancements that Iodine is launching soon... 

    Thank you in advance for your insight!

  • I sent you an email.  Let me know if you don not get it.



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