Financial Impact
I am interested to hear how everyone is tracking their financial impact both current and projected. Is there a standard model or template to use? We have transitioned from the Quality Division to Finance. I do not want to lose the quality focus of our program, but I need to accurately reflect our financial impact. In addition, I need to be able to display our future financial impact.
Any advise would be beneficial.
We take our blended/base rate times the pre-query DRG and then the after query DRG and the difference is our financial impact if that query was the only thing that made the difference. We do not report negative financial impact in our monthly reporting. We do not project our financial impact. With that said, we also do not regularly track our CMI due to reporting issues with our system and the fact that it is very cumbersome to calculate.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Janine Podany, MSN, RN, CCDS
We also report average changes in SOI and ROM, and number of prebill reviews of HACs, PSI and severe sepsis cases, so from my experience I would say that it is possible to keep focus on both quality and financial metrics.
We are sometimes asked to provide our input if there are CMI changes for certain services, but we do not report it as our KPI since CMI changes are usually multifactorial and do not reflect solely CDI efforts (i. e. if your Cardiac Surgery department loses a surgeon with good reputation, your CMI is bound to drop).
Any kind of projections is rather difficult. We have never been asked to project the total impact, but sometimes had to make certain assumptions when we were expanding, merging with another facility and so on. It always depends on the situation - for example, if you are planning to expand to a different unit, you can usually do a short pilot, and then make projections based on your findings. You can also base your estimates on the current CC/MCC capture rate vs.average for your types of facilities, and on how much you think you can realistically change the rate within a certain period of time.
Good luck.