New Onset Seizure vs Encephalomalacia
Patient that came in and was admitted secondary to new onset seizures. He passed out at home, found snoring in bed and minimally responsive.
Neurology consult determined that this was due to seizure activity due to patient's “right frontal region encephalomalacia from his previous abscess versus empyema with chronic encephalomalacia changes locally”. Neuro’s subsequent note states:
“Patient with GM seizure due to right frontal lobe chronic encephalomalaciafrom brain abscess vs empyema 2 years ago. Pt had cranioplasty flap placed back 1 year ago. Was on Keppra from Rush university, however he d/c'd it, also not followed with his Rush MDs and neurosurgeons. Presently stable, and MRI brain with pertinent findings with right frontal encephalomalacia, and post op changes.
Continue with Keppra 750 mg change to PO tomorrow BID. Keppra level in 1 week.
Would the seizure be more accurate to assign as PDx or the encephalomalacia since that was the cause of the seizure?
Paul Evans, RHIA, CCDS
Thank you Paul and BTC2018. Makes sense.