Abnormal lab values that are not treated
Would you query for lactic acidosis with the following scenario.
Lactic acid noted on ABG of 4.1 and 2.8 - no repeat levels drawn. No treatment was given, no IV fluids ordered or administered. No repeat labwork ordered to see if patient's level normalized. Pt was admitted with COPD exacerbation on chronic steroids. Pt was placed on 1L NC O2 for less than 4 hours.
Lactic acid noted on ABG of 4.1 and 2.8 - no repeat levels drawn. No treatment was given, no IV fluids ordered or administered. No repeat labwork ordered to see if patient's level normalized. Pt was admitted with COPD exacerbation on chronic steroids. Pt was placed on 1L NC O2 for less than 4 hours.