Medicare Inpatient Only List

Is anyone doing anything in outpatient surgery or Medicare Inpatient Only List?  If so, would you please give me a basic outline of what you do at your facility and/or your contact information?

Thanks in advance,

Robbi Morris, BSN, RN, CDIC


  • We (The CDI staff) do the MRIOS and CCL procedures Monday through Friday. We look at the surgery list the day prior to and the day of surgery. We review the Pt's insurer (we only look at MCR or MCR Plans) then the consent and compare that to the current MRIOS list. We have Coding as a back up when we are stymied. They have the last word and for that I am glad. My coworker sails through the task and I sweat it out each and every time. If I make a mistake or overlook a single word it could cost my facility thousands.  We use 3M to find surgery codes. I would be happy to hear of anyone else doing a similar job and their tips and advice. I work in a small facility with less than 100 beds.
  • Murka,

    We are also a small facility (less than 100 beds).  How much of your time does this task take you?  We are also using 3M.  My coding supervisor tells me she gets an edit when the surgery code is on the Inpatient only list, but as a cdi I am having trouble making this particular edit happen.  Are you using the stand alone to find the codes? 

    Thank you for the information!

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