Ventilator time: extubation and re-intubation

I have a ventilator case where the provider planned extubation of the patient.  Prior to extubation, all indications were that the patient was ready for extubation.  Following extubation, the patient almost immediately (and surprisingly) became unresponsive, so the patient was emergently re-intubated and is back on the ventilator.

For calculating vent time, is this one consecutive vent timespan, or am I coding two separate vent timespans?

If you answer that this is one consecutive timespan, then my next question is how much time would need to have elapsed to consider this two separate ventilator times?

Thank you for your help.  --Kim


  • Technically you'd need two codes as there was a "gap" between the weaning and the reintubation. 

    Coding Clinic 4th Qtr 1991 Pg 16-21 Mechanical Ventilation Guidelines describes "Subsequent periods of continuous mechanical ventilation" and notes two separate codes would be reported. 

    Erik J. Kilbo, RHIA, CCS, CPC-I, CDIP, CCDS

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