It could be attributed to a number of things. Was one of your major surgeons on vacation? Drops in the number of high weighted procedures tends to be the most significant hits to our CMI.
Short on time and will try to provide further details later but anything that can potentially raise the CMI can potentially cause a decrease.
Other possibilities could be if your hospital goes on diversion and/or cancels surgeries due to flu epidemic or weather events, etc..
Alba123 said: What factors affect the CMI? If we had a drop in CMI, what might have affected this?
It could be attributed to a number of things. Was one of your major surgeons on vacation? Drops in the number of high weighted procedures tends to be the most significant hits to our CMI.
Short on time and will try to provide further details later but anything that can potentially raise the CMI can potentially cause a decrease.
Other possibilities could be if your hospital goes on diversion and/or cancels surgeries due to flu epidemic or weather events, etc..
A decline in surgical volumes can have a big impact on CMI, particularly if you are a smaller hospital.