"meets sepsis criteria"

When the provider documents "meets sepsis criteria" consistently throughout the record AND includes a statement like "pneumonia, met sepsis criteria in the ED" do you query?


  • If they truly meet sepsis criteria, have a known or suspected infection and were appropriately treated for said infection. 
  • If all of what jwmorris1 said is true, but the doctor is saying 'meets sepsis criteria' in progress notes,  I would make sure that 'sepsis' is included on the discharge summary.
  • If all of what jwmorris1 said is true, but the doctor is saying 'meets sepsis criteria' in progress notes,  I would make sure that 'sepsis' is included on the discharge summary.

    My response was answering "do you query". If I saw that a patient met sepsis criteria based on labs, VS + known or suspected infection and was treated as such then if my MD was saying "meets sepsis criteria" in the PN's then I would query.


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