Georgia ACDIS 2nd Quarter Chapter Meeting - June 8 - Savannah, Gerogia

The second quarter meeting for the Georgia Chapter of the Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists will occur on Saturday, June 8, 2019 in Savannah, Georgia at St. Joseph’s Hospital. The chapter business meeting will start at 10:00 am followed by an educational speakers for three (3) hours of CEUs for CCDS.

Before the chapter meeting, as part of the chapter’s goal to incorporate community outreach and to support organizations helping others, members and their guest will have the opportunity to volunteer as a group at a local community food bank, Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia. At the food bank attendees will help sort and package food bags for delivery to elderly residents in the Savannah area. We will also offer a donation to the organization from the chapter.

Staying over night? Join us for a sunset dinner cruise on the Savanah River starting at 7 pm, followed by a ghost and graveyard trolley tour of the city. The dinner cruise and trolley tour are an additional fare and rates are in the registration form. Registration and payment for group activity due by May 24.

Click here to register now !


  • Jamie,

    It's Jen Coggin again.  Can you resend the $ request again?  I use a different email, but send it to you already.  Let me know if you are having trouble with it.  Looking forward to the Conference next week and the Georgia Meeting in June.

    Jen Coggin
  • I think we are good !
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