I am dogged about POA-Y and POA-N.   I never tell providers that W & U are options for POA indicators so i was surprised to even get this question.   I've been asked if POA-W (undetermined) will appear as a HAC or not (naturally it would apply to only the hospital acquired conditions)?  Many years ago I believe I was taught that W will not but U will  (I liken it Y/W or N/U).  I cannot find a reference for it. 

Thanks for your time and expertise.  



  • Yes- W means you asked and they SAID- unable to determine. U means, you could not determine by looking at documentation ( and you did not ask, or they did not answer your question). I think you can find it (?bottom) of coding guideline under POA requirement. AFTER ALL CHAPTER SPECIFIC... It seems out of natural order:

    "Reporting Options Y - Yes N - No U - Unknown W – Clinically undetermined Unreported/Not used – (Exempt from POA reporting) Reporting Definitions Y = present at the time of inpatient admission N = not present at the time of inpatient admission U = documentation is insufficient to determine if condition is present on admission W = provider is unable to clinically determine whether condition was present on admission or not Timeframe for POA Identification "
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