Decrease in CMI and How to Analyze/Explain
We had a slight decrease in CMI from FY 2018 to FY 2019 so I’m analyzing why…How would I go about explaining the decrease in CMI when I know it could be attributed to many factors. WE have printed a list of MDs with their CMIs in FY 2018 vs. 2019. If there was a large # of MCCs that changed to CCs, how would I attribute this to the change in CMI? Or the weights of DRGs that may have changed from year to year?
Does CMS have a mathematical factor they publish each year when the DRG weights are published to be used for budgeting purposes when there is a change in DRG weights are a decrease in MCCs to CCs and CCs to non-cc diagnoses?
Suzonne Bourque
. Suggest you review your top 15 or so DRGs by volume and examine any difference in R.W.
Keep in mind the Federal Fiscal year ‘starts’ with discharges on/after Oct 1.
2. Have you reviewed the % of Surgical/Medical year to year? Surgical DRGs have higher your volume of surgical cases changing?
I look at the DRGs that were billed. At times our CMI is "watered down" because of an uptake in low weighted DRGs that maybe shouldnt have been inpatient.