OP CDI Provider Favorites List

I am building an OP CDI program for our physician group/ACO. I am compiling a provider favorites list that includes diagnoses that both do and do not risk adjust. It was suggested that the list should contain information regarding whether or not a particular condition does or does not risk adjust and the corresponding RAF coefficient.  I am hesitant to include that information based upon the guidance from the compliant query practice brief. Am I being too conservative?


  • I am also developing an outpatient CDI program and have recently begun meeting with providers after doing chart audits.  I do not provide a list of conditions that risk adjust; it is too leading.  
  • Hello,

    Are any of you working in Ambulatory/OP CDI with physician practices focusing on HCC capture in at-risk contracts who would be willing to share some information about your program?

    Specifically looking for a model to help launch this initiative and would like to share how others have made a difference.

    How many lives/patients in your risk contracts, MSSP?

    What was your baseline RAF? Improvements seen?

    Program model/Staffing/Approach for implementation


    Tools/Vendors used

    Appreciate any information you are willing to share and if you would be so kind, I would be happy to set up a brief call with you to discuss.

    Thank you in advance,

    Kris Kegarise

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