RE: CDS of the Year!
Hi Don - I wanted to send you a personal note but could not find your email address in any of the threads. I just wanted to congratulate you on the award you received today and add, WELL deserved. I always appreciate the thoughtful insight you share on CDI Talk. I admire your depth of clinical knowledge and ability to link clinical documentation into the current healthcare milieu. Thank you for your willingness to share your opinions and talents with your colleagues. Again, many kudos to you for this very deserving award.
Linnea Thennes, RN, BS, CCDS
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Centegra Hospital, McHenry
815. 759-8193
Linnea Thennes, RN, BS, CCDS
Clinical Documentation Specialist
Centegra Hospital, McHenry
815. 759-8193
totally second Linnea's comments.
Kim Digardi, RN
Documentation Integrity Specialist
St. Helena Hospital
10 Woodland Road
St. Helena, CA 94574
Phone: 707.967.5936
all of Brian's comments, I must accede to the selection committee.
Other than a personal reluctance toward public recognition it
is still a bit difficult because I am having quite a lot of fun -- both
with CDITalk, the blog, networking and discussions, as well as with the
activities and real successes of my program. Somehow, having fun pretty
much is all I need.
A lot of credit I have to give to my team of 9 -- they do a great job,
I've had the chance to learn a lot and grow with this team, and they've
helped me get as far as I have. Lots to still do, try, and (perhaps)
repeat over again until we get it either right or better.
Again, Thanks!!